Vestnik Zoologii

Volume 40, No. 5 (September-October, 2006)

Phylogeny of the Aphids of the Genus Schizolachnus as Well as of the Subfamily Eulachninae of the Family Lachnidae (Homoptera, Aphidoidea). Mamontova V. A. — The polemics with J. Sorensen concerning the phylogenesis and the place in the system of the mentioned aphids is represented. The must important phylogenetic characters are established among morphological featurees of Lachnidae. Phylogenetic relationships of the generŕ Schizolachnus Mordvilko, Cinara Curtis and Eulachnus del Gurgio are estimates based on the principles of evolutionary systematic.
Key words: evolution, phylogenesis, cladistics, Eulachninae, Schizolachnus, Cinara.

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Molluscs in the Northern-West Part of the Sea of Azov: Fauna, Peculiarities of Distribution and Ecology. Khaliman I. A., Anistratenko V. V., Anistratenko O. Yu. — Some peculiarities of gastropod and bivalve mollusks, their distribution and ecology in the North-Western part of the Sea of Azov and adjacent lagoons (Molochnyj and Utlyukskij) are studied. Altogether, 74 species of mollusks registered in the region; 51 species belong to the class Gastropoda, whereas the class Bivalvia is represented by 23 species. Seven species are indicated here in the Sea of Azov for the first time. Original data on qualitative and quantitative composition and structure of molluscan associations are presented.
Key words: Mollusca, fauna, distribution, ecology, the Sea of Azov, Ukraine.

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The Gastro-Intestinal Parasites of the Przewalski Horse (Equus przewalskii) in the Chîrnobyl Exclusion Zone. Slivinska K. A., Dvojnos G. M. — Results of parasitological investigation of Przewalski horse Equus przewalskii Poljŕkov, 1881 from the Chîrnobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ) are presented. The diagnostic technique of deworming revealed for the first time that gastro-intestinal parasites community of Przewalski horse includes 32 species of 5 families and 3 classes (29 species of nematodes, 1 species of cestodes and 2 larvae of botflies) in the CEZ. The core of the community is formed by 4 species: Cylicostephanus minutus Yorke et Macfie, C. longibursatus Yorke et Macfie, Cyathostomum catinatum (Looss), Cylicocyclus nassatus (Looss). Observations show that horses keep their typical biological features and high stability to invasions. It is revealed in a good clinical horse state and number growth of herd. It argues in favour of using of Przewalski horses in renaturalization of territories.
Key words: gastro-intestinal parasites, Przewalski horse, Equus przewalskii, Chîrnobyl exclusion zone.

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Comparison of Wolbachia Bacterial Density in Females of Four Thelythokous Strains of Trichogramma cordubensis and T. evanescens (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Pascal C., Pintureau B., Katchadourian C., Grenier S., Bolland P., Robin C., Vallier A. — The endosymbionts of the genus Wolbachia infect numerous arthropods and nematods, and often cause different effects on the reproduction of these hosts. The endosymbiotic bacteria Wolbachia induces the thelytokous mode of reproduction in the egg parasitoids of the genus Trichogramma. The Dot-blot technique was performed to compare the symbiont Wolbachia density using the wsp gene of Wolbachia and the 18S gene of Trichogramma. It was established that Wolbachia density is not different in two host species, Trichogramma cordubensis Vargas et Cabello and T. evanescens Haliday.
Key words: Hymenoptera, Trichogramma, egg parasitoids, Bacteria, Wolbachia density, dot-blot analysis, endosymbionts, wsp gene, 18S gene, thelytoky.

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The Springtailes (Collembola, Entognatha) of the Urbanisric Landscapes of the Kryvyj Rig City. Tarashchuk M. V., Horban T. V. — The collembolan associations in five city regions under different technogenic pollution power were investigated. The park zones, residential districts, kindergartens, roadside zones were studied in the each region. The model data indices of soil pollution were taken in the steppe plot near Kamjane Pole settlement, 4 km from the city of Kryvyj Rig. The 63 species of 38 genera of 10 families were found, of them 13 species and one genus for the first time in Ukraine. The most significant special richness were demonstrated for Zhovtnevy region (30 species, 19 genera, 8 families) and park zones (28 species, 19 genera, 6 families); the least one noted for Dovgyntsivsky region (11 species, 10 genera, 5 families) and roadside zones (13 species, 12 genera, 7 families). The preliminary ecological and climatic estimation of city-landscape territories and of the city regions were made using taxonomic and faunistic analysis and several taxonomic indexes. The degree of anthropic influence may be connected with the faunistic impoverishment especially by the humidofilic component of fauna.
Key words: springtails, collembolan associations, taxonomical structure, taxonomic and faunistic analisys, city-landscape territories, technogenic pollution.

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The Structure of Mesofauna Community in Protective-Decorative Plantations on Mine-Coal Dumps of the Donetsk Basin. Kirichok L. G., Illenko M. M., Bezkrovna O. V. — The results of the soil mesofauna investigation in protective-decorative plantations of trees on the mine-coal dump are presented. 20 species of springtails and the representatives of 10 other groups of invertebrate animals were registered. Their population density depends on vegetation development and edaphotope, position of the site on catena and slope exposition. The most suitable conditions for soil zoocenosis development are formed in plantation of tree-bush type and shady tree type with bushes.
Key words: dump, protective-decorative plantations, mesofauna, microarthropods, springtails, mites, succession.

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The Peculiarities of the Intrapopulation Conchiometry Variability of the Land Snail Brephulopsis bidens (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Buliminidae). Kramarenko S. S. — The shell variability of 11 morphometric traits of the land snail Brephulopsis bidens (Krynicki, 1883) was examined, using PCA. Studies were carried out on 175 individuals from the Simferopol (Crimea) suburb (one local population) during 1989–1991. It was shown, that a variation structure of the first three PC’s was not differentiated practically during the study period. The PC 4 is the result of the environmental influence and it is always similar to all individuals survived during the aestivation period.
Key words: land snail, Brephulopsis bidens, shell variation, PCA, aestivation period, Crimea, Ukraine.

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The Appearance in the Black Sea of Atlantic Oligochaeta Tubificoides benedii (Annelida, Oligochaeta) and Peculiarities of its Distribution on the Northwestern Black Sea Shelf. Shurova N. M. — Time of the appearance of the oligochaetes Tubificoides benedii (Udekem, 1855) in the Black Sea, seasonal variability of density and biomass this species in this region and ecological features of its distribution on the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea have been analyses.
Key words: Tubificoides benedii, Oligochaeta, Black Sea, introduction, seasonal variability, density, biomass.

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Helminthes of the Genus Trichinella (Nematoda, Trichinellidae) Amongst Wild Mammals in Polesie and Carpathian. Didyk J. M. — Trichinella larvae were detected in 16% of wild animals: bear, wolves, red foxes and marten. The largest number of infected animals are recorded in the Trancarpatian Region. The largest number of larvae per gram of muscle tissue was found in the legs in wolves and foxes. It is shown that rodents do not participate in circulation of Trichinella on this territory.
Key words: Trihinella, Ursus arctos, Canis lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Martes martes, Lutra lutra, Polesie, Carpathian.

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Predatory Mites of the Family Phytoseiidae (Acari, Parasitiformes) in the Park Plant Communities of the Central Wood-and-Steppe of Ukraine. Kolodochka L. A., Omeri I. D. — Preliminary data on predatory mites species structure of the family Phytoseiidae (Parasitiformes) in parks of some regions of Ukraine on the basis of collection materials are provided.
Key words: phytoseiid mites, parks, botanical gardens, the Central Wood-and-Steppe, Ukraine.

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A New Species of the Genus Ormyrus (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Ormyridae) from Yemen. Zerova M. D., Seryogina L. Ya., van Harten A. — Ormyrus bicolor Zerîva, sp. n. from Yemen is described. The new species belongs to diffinis group of species (female gaster without dorsal median keel).
Key words: Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Ormyridae, Yemen, new species.

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Species Composition and Number of Birds of Prey on Morthern of Ukraine in the Winter Periods 2000–2003 Years. Kostyushin V. A., Domashevsky S. V. — Automobile-facilitated counts of birds of prey were conducted during winter periods 2000–2003 in Kyiv, Chernihiv and Zhytomyr Regions of Ukraine. The total length of the counting rout is 1047 km. Ten species of birds of prey were registered: Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus) — 18 individuals; Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) — 11; Sperrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) — 17; Rough-Legged Buzzard (Buteo lagopus) — 491; Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) — 359; Long-Legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus) — 1; birds Buteo spp. — 75; Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) — 1; White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaetus albicilla) — 1; Merlin (Falco columbarius) — 11; Kestrel (F. tinnunculus) — 3. According to the calculation results, the general density of birds of prey was 1.17 individuals per square kilometer, including 1.05 individuals/km2 of B. lagopus and B. buteo (0.61 and 0.44 individuals/km2 accordingly). Density of the rest of species is significantly lower: A. nisus — 0.047; C. cyaneus — 0.033; F. columbarius — 0.019; A. gentiles — 0.015 individuals/km2. For all the remaining species, which are represented by individual findings, density was not calculated. Taking into account the data on density of B. lagopus and B. buteo, and the area of biotope preferred by them during winter period, the total number of each of these species in the Kyiv Region may be approximately assessed as 8634 — 13 046 and 5292 — 8416 individuals accordingly.
Key words: birds of prey, winter, number, density, northern part of Ukraine.

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