Vestnik Zoologii

Volume 36, No. 2 (March-April, 2002)

The Germ Similarity in Ontogeny of Ciliates (Ciliophora). Dovgal I. V. — The paper deals with the regularities of ontogenesis of mobile and sessile ciliated protozo-ans. It is shown, that the germ similarity is characteristic both in mobile and sessile ciliates. The mechanisms of controlling of morphogenesis in ciliates are probably homologues with the controllers of early morphogenesis in multicellular organisms. The special statement for the case of law of germ similarity in unicel-lular eucaryots named "principle of tomits similarity" has been offered.
Key words: ciliates, ontogeny, germ similarity, recapitulation.

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The Fauna of Springtails (Collembola) from the Forest Ecosystems of South-East Ukraine. Bondarenko-Borisova I. V., Sandul N. G. — The fauna of springtails (Collembola) was investigated for seven years in natural forest ecosystems of the Donetsk highland, namely in gully forests, flood-land forests and highland woods. The list of Collembola of forest habitats of the eastern Ukraine has been compiled basing on the original and literature data. It includes 115 species belonging to 52 genera and 16 families. The core of the fauna of Collembola in investigated forests is formed by such families as Entomobryidae, Onychiuridae and Isotomidae. Eight zoogeographical complexes of species were defined by the authors. The European, the Holarctic and the cosmopolitan complexes predominate in the number of species. Species richness, representation of ecological groups, life forms and Collembola hygromorphs differ in the three types of forests investigated. Most of the biotopes are characterized by the predominance of forest species, the considerable representation of eurybionts as well as meadow and steppe forms of species, the predominance of upper-litter biomorphs and a wide spectrum of hygromorphs. The ecological-faunistic peculiarities of springtails ecosystems reflect the specifics of forest microclimate in steppe and can be used for zoodiagnostics of natural and artifical forests.
Key words: Collembola, springtails, forest communities, gully forests, fauna, zoogeographical complexes, life forms, ecological groups, hygromorphs, sylvatization process, zoodiagnosis, biotops.

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A Review of Some Type Specimens of the Cremastinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) Wasps Described by G. Szepligeti in the Collection of the Hungarian National Mu-seum. Narolsky N. B. — Type specimens of species currently placed in genera Pris-tomerus (Pristocelus atriceps, Pristomerus celebensis, Pristomerus novoguineensis), Temelucha (Cremastus australiensis, Cremastus javanus), Trathala (Epicremastus concolor, Cremastus niger) are revised. Redescriptions and compara-tive diagnoses, and data on condition of type-specimens are provided.
Key words: Ichneumonidae, Cremastinae, type material, taxonomy.

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Contribution to the Knowledge of Aculeate Hymenoptera of Byelorus. Family Digger Wasps (Sphecidae). Shlyakhtenok A. S., Skibinska E. — During the period from 1984 to 1998 14 675 specimens of digger wasps, which belong to 181 species, were col-lected. Currently, the fauna of Sphecidae of Byelorus consist of 187 species. The number and species variety of digger wasps in the south part of republic were higher in comparison with northern part. The representatives of genuses šīäīā Bem-becinus A. Costa, Larra Fabricius, Prionix v. d. Lind., Sphex Linnaeus, Stizus La-treille were collected only in the southern part of Byelorus. The main part of the material (95%) was received with the use of Malaise traps.
Key words: Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, fauna, Byelorus, Malaise traps.

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New Genus of Darkling Beetles of the Tribe Helopini (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Nabozhenko M. V. — New genus Armenohelops Nabozhenko gen. n. (type species — Ar-menohelops armeniacus Nabozhenko sp. n. from Armenia) belongs to the Cylindronotus group of genera of the subtribe Cylindronotina (tribe Helopini) with strongly sclerotized aedeagus and parameres flattened on the apex. The new genus is closely related to the genera Cylindronotus Faldermann, 1837 and Odocnemis Allard, 1876, from which it differs in the structure of aedeagus: parameres very short, apical part of parameres curved upwards, dorsal part of parameres deeply gutter-shaped pressed, penis (or at least sclerites of the penis) completely placed in the phallobase. Armenohelops gen. n. also differs from both genera in the lacking of tubercles or denticles on the fore and middle tibiae of the male, lacking tuber-cles on the elytra, and presence of dense brush of the long erected setae on the trochanters.
Key words: darkling beetles, Tenebrionidae, Helopini, new genus, new species.

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Peculiarities of Musculocutaneus Complex Structure in Triclada (Turbellaria, Tri-cladida). Chernysheva A. O. — The musculocutaneus complex of ten planarian species from three families and two marine triclads were studied with the use of light mi-croscopy and transmission electronic microscopy. Some differences in structure of basal plate, subepidermal and dorso-ventral musculature were found.
Key words: triclads, epidermis, basal plate, musculature, Turbellaria, Tricladida.

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The Comparison of Peculiarities of the Construction and Efficacy of Function of the Copial Propulsor of Aquatic Birds and Semi-Aquatic Mammals. Mordvinov Yu. E. — The indices of efficacy of the function of copial propulsor (Sė%Sm; ; Sė/S) were analyzed on the basis of collected morphological and experimental materials of the water locomotion 16 species birds and 9 species mammals of different sys-tematically and ecomorphologically. It has been established, that the indices in-creased off species of the aeronectoxeron ecomorph to species of the nectoxeron and xeronecton ecomorph, or with increase communication with water medium.
Key words: index of efficacy, ecomorph, aeronectoxeron, nectoxeron, xeronecton, copial propulsor.

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The Fauna of Springtails (Collembola) in Lviv. Shrubovych J. — 119 species of Col-lembola have been recorded in various ecosystems of Lviv, differing by degree of the urban pressure. Successful coexistence of great number of springtail species with different ecological preferences (forest, meadow, meadow-steppe, eurytopic, compost, ruderal, synanthropic, troglophilous forms) is the most characteristic peculiarity of faunal communities in urban conditions.
Key words: Collembola, springtails, urban ecosystems, fauna.

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Paramysis sowinskii sp. n., a New Species of Mysidacea (Crustacea) from Ponto-Caspian Basin. Daneliya M. E. — Paramysis sowinskii sp. n. from Ponto-Caspian ba-sin is described based on material collected by the author in the Sea of Azov ba-sin and Caspian Sea, deposited at Zoological Institute, RAS (St.-Petersburg). Di-agnosis: ventral setae of middle segment of mandibular palpi roughly notched. Carpal segment of pereiopoda with 6–7 groups of setae on ventral side.
Key words: Mysidacea, Paramysis, new species, Ponto-Caspian Basin, distribu-tion, ecology.

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Land Mollusks (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) of the “Medobory” Natural Reserve (Podolian Hills, Ukraine). Baidashnikov A. A. — 70 species, including Deroceras turcicum (Simroth) and mountain species, common with the Carpathians — Vertigo alpestris Alder, Balea fallax (Rossmassler), Vestia elata (Rossmassler), Plicuteria lubomir-skii (Slosarski), Deroceras rodnae Grossu et Lupu, and others were found to occur in the reserve. Distribution of species among vegetation types is discussed.
Key words: forest-dwelling mollusks, vegetation, Podolian Hills.

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Bat Ectoparasite Fauna of Podolia. Bobkova O. Ą. — Species composition of ecto-parasites from 6 observed caves in Podolia is studied and compared. It includes 5 species of mites (Ichoronyssus sp., Spinturnix myoti (Kolenati), Spinturnix ple-cotinus (C. L. Koch), Ixodes vespertilionis Koch, Leptotrombidium sp.), one spe-cies of bat-flies (Nycteribiidae gen. sp.) and 1 species of flea (Pulex irritans Linne).
Key words: Podolia, bats, ectoparasites.

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Description of the Old-Stage Larva of the Weevil Liparus transsylvanicus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Nazarenko V. Yu. — Detailed description of the old-stage larva of weevil Liparus transsylvanicus Petri with the use of chaetotaxy is provided.
Key words: Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Liparus transsylvanicus, larva, morphology, chaetotaxy.

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Review of East-Mediterranean Species of Calyptorhina with Two-Colored Elytra (Coleoptera, Chryso-melidae, Clytrinae). Lopatin I. K. — New species — Calyptorhina rapillyi sp. n. near C. persica Pic and new subspecies of C. biornata Lef., Calyptorhina biornata angorensis subsp. n., from Turkey are described. The latter differed from the nominative form by having a smaller size and the shape of the aedoeagus.
Key words: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Clytrinae, new taxons, East Mediterranean region.

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The Cholevine Beetle Eocatops pelopis (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) in the South of Eastern Europe and its Prochoresis to the North in Holocene. Perkovsky E. E., Gontarenko A. V. — Populations of the cholevine Eocatops pelopis (Reitter) from the extreme north-east of its continental distribution range (Odessa, Kherson, Rostov regions and Crimea) are studied for the first time. Vari-ability of such stable in the other congeners characters, as the form of elytral apex and the structure of antennae, was demonstrated; specimens, indistinguishable in these characters from those described from Lapland as a distinct species (Szymczakowski, 1975), were found. The latter form is reconsider as a subspecies of E. pelopis. All records of Eocatops from Ukraine and European part of Russia assigned to E. pelopis. Appearance of E. “lapponicus” in Lapland might not take place before Holocene optimum; the most parsimonious explanation of this event suggests transition of one of the East European populations of E. pelopis to com-mensalism on Formica lemani Bondroit in Holocene, with the subsequent prochoresis to the North together with the host population. This hypothesis well explains lim-ited range of E. pelo-pis in Sweden and Finland.
Źey words: Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae, Holocene, Formica, Ukraine, Rus-sia, Sweden, Finland.

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Vulpes corsac (Carnivora, Canidae) in Ukraine. Borovik E. N. — For the first time in Ukraine, the population of the corsac fox Vulpes corsac Linnaeus, 1768 is de-scribed; it enumerates, depending on seasons, 20–25 individuals. This single re-corded population oceurs close to boundaries of the “Streltsovskaya Step” Nature Reserve. The hight and thickness of snow cover is shown to be the limiting factor for the corsac population. The further prospectives of distribution of the corsac are rather uncertain, because of reduction of suitable areas; it needs immediate inclusion to the Red Book and providing of conservation arrangements.
Key words: Vulpes corsac, population, Red Book.

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