Year 1992, No. 6 (November - December)

Sitnikova T. J., Starobogatov Ya. I., Anistratenko V. V. Anatomy and Taxonomic Position of Some Small European Pectinibranc molluscs (Mollusca, Gastropoda)

Guryanova V. E. New Spider Species from "Askania-Nova" Nature Reserve

Kolodochka L. A. New Species of the Genus Anthoseius (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) from the Crimea and Primorye Area, with a Redescription of A. rhenanus

Sergienko G. D. New Oribatid Mite Species (Oribatida, Archoribatida) from the Ukraine

Odnosum V. K. Mordellid Beetles (Coleoptera, Mordellidae) of the Kazakhstan Fauna

Dubatolov V. V. New Subspecies of Nymphalid and Satyrid Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) from Yakutia

Chikin Yu., Shcherbak N. N. New Subspecies of Vipera lebetina cernovi ssp. n. (Reptilia, Viperidae) from Middle Asia


Molodovsky A. V. Basic Regularities of Construction of Birds in Flight. Communication I. Ecological and Evolution Aspects

Voronov G. A., Basarukin A. M. Northern Pica of the Sakhalin Island. Communication 1. Reproduction, Nutrition and Some Biocenotic Links


Gilevich S. A., Solntseva G. N., Khomenko B. G. Musculature of Intermaxillary Area of Balaenoptera acutorostrata

Short Communications

Yevstigneyev P. V., Khlystova L. M. Luminous Plankton and Characteristics of Its Bioluminescence in the Eastern Part of Central Atlantics

Lopatin I. K. A New Chrysomelid Beetle Species (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) from South-East Kazakhstan

Kabak I. I. New Carabid Beetle Taxa (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Kazakhstan

Podobivsky S. S. Biology and Peculiarities of Furniture of Beetle Dorcatoma obtrita (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) in Ukraine

Akimkin S. E. On the Wood Pigeon Ecology in Volhynian Polesye Area