Vestnik Zoologii

Volume 35, No. 6 (November-December, 2001)

Paratenic Parasitism in Nematomorphs (Cephalorhyncha, Nematomorpha). Sharpilo V. P. - Based on the analysis of available data, the ability of nematomorph infective larvae to paratenic parasitism was confirmed. Distribution of paratenic parasitism among nematomorphs was estimated for the first time. The range of vertebrate and invertebrate paratenic hosts of these parasites is indicated with estimation of the role of certain paratenic hosts in the transmission. A new term "pseudodefinitive host" is applied to the obligatory hosts participating in the life cycles of nematomorphs. Parasite do not reach sexual maturity within these host persisting at the preadult stage until being released into the water.

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Hymenolepidid Cestodes from Grebes (Aves, Podicipedidae) in Ukraine: the Genus Confluaria. Vasileva G. P., Kornyushin V. V., Genov T. - Redescriptions of 5 species of the hymenolepidid cestodes from the genus Confluaria Ablasov in Spasskaja, 1966 recorded from grebes (Podicipedidae) in Ukraine are presented: Confluaria podicipina from Podiceps nigricollis; Confluaria furcifera from P. grisegena, P. cristatus and P. nigricollis; Confluaria pseudofurcifera (new geographical record) from P. cristatus; Confluaria capillaris from P. grisegena and P. nigricollis; Confluaria multistriata from Tachybaptus ruficollis. Confluaria krabbei sp. n. from T. ruficollis is described. It is differentiated from C. multistriata by possessing rostellar hooks with epiphyseal thickenings comprising both handle and guard and by the shorter cirrus-sac which does not reach the mid-line of the proglottis.

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Species Composition and Bird Communities of Uzhhorod in Winter. Stankevych O. I. - Species composition, biotopical distribution and number of birds were studied during the winter season in the town of Uzhhorod in 1995-1998. Fifty nine species of birds were registered in the town over winter period, the most numerous of them were Passer domesticus, Columba livia and Corvus frugilegus.

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Medzhybozh, the Mammal Fauna Locality and Multilayer Palaeolithic Site in Ukraine. Rekovets L. I. - Composition of mammal fauna of the Medzhybozh locality is analysed. Its age is estimated as the Likhvin time (the Singil faunistic complex) in the beginning of the Lower Pleistocene. The oldest remainders of material human culture dated by Achelian time (500 thousand years) in Ukraine are described. Multilayered palaeolithic site having a good stratigraphical position was discovered. The signs of material culture (lithic) of Achelian, the Late Palaeolithic, possible Mustierian have been also described.

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Optimal Values of Reproductive Characteristics of the Medicinal Leech (Hirudo medicinalis) under Conditions of Breedeng. Communication 2. Number of Hatchlings per a Cocoon. Weight of Hatchlings. Utevskaya O. M., Atramentova L. A. - This article deals with issues of the fecundity of the medicinal leech under conditions of breeding. Consideration was given to the following quantative characters valuable in respect of reproduction: number of hatchlings per a cocoon, weight of hatchlings. The dependence of the number of offsprings reached a six-month age on the amount of a character was studied. It was found that there is the direct relationship between the number of hatchlings per a cocoon and the number of six-month offsprings. The youngsters weighing less than 40 mg and more than 60 mg immediately after hatching were of the greatest vital capacity. The existence of the established optima is treated from the viewpoint of population ecology.

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Skull Size Correlation with Under-development of Upper Second Premolars in Mouse-eared Bats, Myotis (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). Dzeverin I. I. - Under-development of upper second premolars (P3-s) is expressed to a different extent in Palaearctic Myotis species. Application of multiple correlation analysis shows significant correlation between values of craniometric traits and the rudimentation level of P3-s (R2=0,955; p < 0,28%). Greatly reduced P3-s correspond to widely placed zygomatic arches, widened nasal region and cranial base, narrowed braincase, lengthened mandible, shortened lower toothrows and coronal processes, lengthened upper toothrows (owing to the increasing molar size), rostrum narrowed at its anterior part and widened at posterior one.

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Ecological Aspect of Coevolution of Microsporidia and Bloodsucking Mosquitoes. Kiloczycki P. Ya. - Three directions of mutual adaptations in the host-parasite relationships of microsporidia and bloodsucking mosquitoes were analysed: a) tendency to reduction of microsporidia pathogenity; b) diversification of ways of parasite transmission associated with behavioval changes of hosts during the choise of larval emergency sites; c) the tendency of mosquitoes towards use of temporary and ephemeral waters. The ecological aspect of relationshipy of mosquitoes and microsporidia evolution strategies.

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Cystacanth of Acanthocephalus falcatus (Acanthocephala, Echinorhynchidae) from the New Intermediate Host Woodlouse Ligidium hypnorum (Isopoda, Ligiidae). Vakarenko Å. G., Lisitsina Î. I. - The woodlouse L. hypnorum (Cuvier, 1792) was found to be an intermediate host of A. falcatus (Frölich, 1789), the parasite of amphibians from European highlands (Carpathian State National Park, Ukraine). The cystacanth of L. hypnorum is described.

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New Species and Genus of the Tribe Strobliellini (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae, Lestremiinae) from Ukrainian Carpathians Area. Berest Z. L. - Eleniella kyseluci Berest, gen. et sp. n. is described based on a male from the carpathian National Nature Park (Mykulychin) Type material is deposited in ñollection of the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, Kyiv.

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The First Eocene Representative of Cholevini - Catops nathani sp. n. (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) from the Baltic Amber. Perkovsky E. E. - A new species of the genus Ñatops Jeannel is founded in the Museum of the Earth of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Muzeum Ziemi PAN, Warszawa). The analysis of geological and geographical distribution testifies to its Eurasian origin before Late Eocene times.

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A Find of Encyrtid Wasp (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) in Late Eocene Rovno Amber (Ukraine). Simutnik S. A. - A new genus Eocencyrtus gen. n. with the type-species E. zerovae Simutnik sp. n. from Late Eocene Rovno amber is described. This genus combines characters of both subfamilies of Encyrtidae. Bidentate mandible and absence of special locking setae of bare oblique stripe (linea calva) on distal margin are characters of the subfamily Tetracneminae. Absence of paratergites and the last transversal (VII) abdominal sternite, not extending to the apex of metasoma, are features of Encyrtinae. Morphological characters of the new species are compared with those of a hypothetic ancestral model of encyrtid wasps proposed by Trjapitzin (1968 à, 1977). This comparative analysis shows that in the Late Eocene the family Encyrtidae not only was distinctly separated from other chalcidoids, but also reached a highly specialised state similar to that of recent representatives of the family. Holotype (Ukraine, Rovno Region, Late Eocene) is in the collection of Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology (Ukraine, Kóiv).

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Peculiarities of Distribution of some Fresh-Water Mollusks (Pectinibranchia) in the Fauna of Ukraine. Gradovsky V. M. - In the study of distribution of mollusks in fresh waters, certain species were found to be associated with northern or southern areas of Ukraine. The first are Bithynia curta, Lithoglyphus naticoides berolinensis and Codiella leachi, the second are Fagotia dneprensis and Opisthorchophorus valvatoides. The environmental factors responsible for such a distribution, are mineralisation, active reaction of environment and water currents speed.

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Species Identity of the Grey Hamster Cricetulus migratorius isabellinus from Kopetdagh: Allozyme Variation Analysis. Mezhzhzerin S. V. - Allozyme variation analysis of 22 loci was performed in two subspecies of the grey hamster Cricetulus migratorius isabellinus de Fillippi, 1897 from Kopetdagh and C. m. bellicosus Charlemagne, 1916 from the steppe zone of Ukraine. The fixed gene differences between subspecies at two loci Adh-1, Ck-2 were found. These differences confirm both allospecies distinctness of these subspecies and genetic heterogeneity of species with extensive western palearctic ranges.

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Mammals in the Diet of Owls from the Donetsk-Don and Donetsk-Azov Steppes. Kondratenko A. V., Tovpinets N. N. - 513 owl pellets from 5 owl species were collected in the Donetsk-Don and the Donetsk-Azov steppes. 23 mammal species were identified and subdivided into two groups: the preferable victims, and accompanying species. Peculiarities of diet spectrum of studied owl species are analysed.

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